Course Modules
One Minute Witness
During the One Minute Witness course you will learn how to confidently share your faith and make new disciples!
Things the Devil Doesn't Want You to Know about Evangelism
We have an enemy who is out to steal kill and destroy in our lives, learn the life giving truths that will set you free.
Goal Setting to Reach The Lost
Your dreams are only as good as your goals. Learn how to put together strategic and effective goals.
The Making of a Mature Disciple
Learn what habits and actions will help you and others become the disciple you were made to be.
How to Balance God, Family and Ministry
Balancing the most important things in life can some times feel like a circus act. Learn what it means to invest in the right priorities.
Hearing from God
Since the beginning of creation the word of God has been supreme. In this course learn how to hear from God and obey.
The Power of Compassion
Compassion is a powerful and beautiful gift God has given us. Learn how to leverage compassion for the kingdom.
Handling Hardship as an Evangelist
Jesus told us that challenges will come, but to take heart. Learn what it means to get through the ups and downs of life in a Christ-like way.
Doctrinal Beliefs an Evangelist Should Know
This course is a study of the fundamental doctrinal beliefs of the Bible that are most crucial for the evangelist.
Prayer Boosters
Want to learn how to pray the will of God? Check out these 10 prayer boosters to effectively evangelize!
Finding Your Strengths and Fulfilling Your Call
Have you ever wondered where you fit in ministry? Learn your strengths and how to maximize your effectiveness in ministry
This video is designed to guide you through our course enrollment process.